I'm new to python and trying to figure this out, so sorry if this has been asked. I couldn't find it and don't know what this may be called.
So the short of it. I want to take a link like:
and turn it into this:
The long of it, I have been working on an addon for xbmc that goes to a website, grabs a url, goes to that url to find another url. Basically a url resolver.
So the program searches the site and comes up with somekeyhere-650x370.html. But that page is in java and is unusable to me. but when I go to com/somekeyhere that code is usable. So I need to grab the first url, change the url to the usable page and then scrape that page.
So far the code I have is
if 'somename' in name:
n=re.compile('<iframe title="somename" type="text/html" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width=".+?" height=".+?" src="(.+?)">" frameborder="0"',re.DOTALL).findall(net().http_GET(url).content)[0]
CONVERT URL to .com/somekeyhere SO BELOW NA CAN READ IT.
na = re.compile("'file=(.+?)&.+?'",re.DOTALL).findall(net().http_GET(na).content)[0]
Any suggestions on how I can accomplish converting the url?
I really didn't get the long of your question. However, answering the short
Assumptions: somekey is a alphanumeric
requiredString="http://www.domain.com/"+somekey #comment1
I have really provided a very specific answer here for just the domain name. You should modify the regex as required. I see your code in question uses regex and hence i assume you can frame a regex to match your requirement better.
EDIT 1 : also see urlparse from here https://docs.python.org/2/library/urlparse.html?highlight=urlparse#module-urlparse
It provides an easy way to get to parse your url
Also, in line with "#comment1" you can actually save the domain name to a variable and reuse it here