How can I interact with my own SQLite databases in Unreal Engine 4? Can it be done via blueprint and C++ or would it have to be purely C++?
Accessing SQLite from Unreal Engine can be done either from the blueprint (I haven't done it), but, check the TappyChicken blueprint example, the SaveGame class can store / load many variables through any event you want. Also here is a good video on YouTube:
In regards to the code, I use Try it out. It can save UObjects to a local database, sqlite.
For example:
TSharedPtr<SqliteDataResource> DataResource = MakeShareable(new SqliteDataResource(FString(FPaths::GameDir() + "/Data/Test.db")));
TSharedPtr<IDataHandler> DataHandler = MakeShareable(new SqliteDataHandler(DataResource));
UTestObject* TestObj = NewObject<UTestObject>();
// Create a record
// Read a record
DatHandler->Read(/**record id*/ 1, TestObj);
// Update a record
TestObj->SomeProperty = "some value";
// Delete a record
// This shouldn't be necessary since this should be run when the TSharedPtr runs out of references