I need to sort the contents of a directory in ascending order (alphabetically). The directories must appear before files even if the directory's name would appear after a files name (alphabetically). The same way file explorers do, they list directories sorted then they list the files sorted.
I am using the following code which gives me a sorted list alphabetically but it does not advances the directories first:
if($handler = opendir($dir))
while (($sub = readdir($handler)) !== FALSE)
// ...
A straightforward way to achieve that would be to populate an array with pairs like [is_file(path), path]
, sort this array (php will automatically sort by the first and then by the second element) and finally remove the is_file
$path = 'somedir';
$dir = [];
// populate
foreach(glob("$path/*") as $f)
$dir []= [is_file($f), $f];
// sort
// remove
$dir = array_map('end', $dir);