I'm working on a project that requires video to be transcoded and thumbnails extracted through use of AWS Elastic Transcoder. I have followed the api to the best of my abilities and have what seems to me correct code. However, I still get an error with NameResolutionFailure
thrown and an inner exception saying that The remote name could not be resolved: 'elastictranscoder.us-west-2.amazonaws.com'
My code is:
var transcoder =
new AmazonElasticTranscoderClient(Constants.AmazonS3AccessKey,
Constants.AmazonS3SecretKey, RegionEndpoint.USWest2);
var ji = new JobInput
AspectRatio = "auto",
Container = "mov",
FrameRate = "auto",
Interlaced = "auto",
Resolution = "auto",
Key = filename
var output = new CreateJobOutput
ThumbnailPattern = filename + "_{count}",
Rotate = "auto",
PresetId = "1351620000001-000010",
Key = filename + "_enc.mp4"
var createJob = new CreateJobRequest
Input = ji,
Output = output,
PipelineId = "1413517673900-39qstm"
I have my s3 buckets configure in Oregon and added policies to make the files public.
Apparently my virtual machine was not connecting to the internet, which is why the nameresolutionfailure
was thrown. Everything is fine now.