So I have been trying to build an installer for my game with NSIS. For the most part it works fine but just noticed that it seems to be skipping certain files for no reason. Or no reason I can figure out.
At first I was using this line to gather up all the files in the source folder:
File /r "${NSISDIR}\game\source\*.*"
However, I noticed that this didn't get everything. Granted it found all sub-folders and kept the hierarchy correct. There didn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to what it skipped. Then I tried listing all files and directories separately and found out why. Example:
File "${NSISDIR}\OWTD-DE\source\pygame.math.pyd"
This produces the following error:
File: "C:\Program Files (x86)\NSIS\game\source\pygame.math.pyd" -> no files found.
But that file exists, I can see it in the source folder. This was the case for all missing files. At first I thought it may be the two periods in the name, but various files have that naming convention and they are added fine. I cannot figure out how to get it to recognize these files. Any ideas?
Weirdly enough, this process did not work very well on Windows Home 64-Bit but did on Windows Professional 64-Bit. I'm not sure if this an issue with NSIS itself or what, but nothing was different between the two except the OS. And there really isn't much difference between those two operating systems. However, perhaps some configuration differences between the two was the real issue.
While marked solved, I'm not really sure what the actual issue and solution could be.