I am doing a game where you control a snake and when he dies the game quits. I have tried adding a different function (on) so only while on is true the game will continue. However, this does not restart here is the code I have and could anyone put in a restart function?
import pygame, sys, time, random
from pygame.locals import *
fpsClock = pygame.time.Clock()
playSurface = pygame.display.set_mode((640, 480))
pygame.display.set_caption('Happy Birthday Mum')
redColour = pygame.Color(255, 0, 0)
blackColour = pygame.Color(0, 0, 0)
whiteColour = pygame.Color(255, 255, 255)
greyColour = pygame.Color(150, 150, 150)
snakePosition = [100,100]
snakeSegments = [[100,100],[80,100],[60,100]]
raspberryPosition = [300,300]
raspberrySpawned = 1
direction = 'right'
changeDirection = direction
diff = 30
def gameOver():
gameOverFont = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 72)
gameOverSurf = gameOverFont.render('Game Over', True, greyColour)
gameOverRect = gameOverSurf.get_rect()
gameOverRect.midtop = (320, 10)
playSurface.blit(gameOverSurf, gameOverRect)
while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT:
elif event.type == KEYDOWN:
if event.key == K_RIGHT or event.key == ord('d'):
changeDirection = 'right'
if event.key == K_LEFT or event.key == ord('a'):
changeDirection = 'left'
if event.key == K_UP or event.key == ord('w'):
changeDirection = 'up'
if event.key == K_DOWN or event.key == ord('s'):
changeDirection = 'down'
if event.key == K_ESCAPE:
if event.key == K_1:
diff = 10
if event.key == K_2:
diff = 20
if event.key == K_3:
diff = 30
if event.key == K_4:
diff = 40
if event.key == K_5:
diff = 50
if event.key == K_r:
if changeDirection == 'right' and not direction == 'left':
direction = changeDirection
if changeDirection == 'left' and not direction == 'right':
direction = changeDirection
if changeDirection == 'up' and not direction == 'down':
direction = changeDirection
if changeDirection == 'down' and not direction == 'up':
direction = changeDirection
if direction == 'right':
snakePosition[0] += 20
if direction == 'left':
snakePosition[0] -= 20
if direction == 'up':
snakePosition[1] -= 20
if direction == 'down':
snakePosition[1] += 20
if snakePosition[0] == raspberryPosition[0] and snakePosition[1] == raspberryPosition[1]:
raspberrySpawned = 0
if raspberrySpawned == 0:
x = random.randrange(1,32)
y = random.randrange(1,24)
raspberryPosition = [int(x*20),int(y*20)]
raspberrySpawned = 1
for position in snakeSegments:
pygame.draw.rect(playSurface,whiteColour,Rect(position[0], position[1], 20, 20))
pygame.draw.rect(playSurface,redColour,Rect(raspberryPosition[0], raspberryPosition[1], 20, 20))
if snakePosition[0] > 620 or snakePosition[0] < 0:
if snakePosition[1] > 460 or snakePosition[1] < 0:
for snakeBody in snakeSegments[1:]:
if snakePosition[0] == snakeBody[0] and snakePosition[1] == snakeBody[1]:
You essentially want two while loops - one for when the overall game is running, and a smaller one while the snake is alive.
start pygame and set global variables;
while the program is running:
set all of the initial variables for the game (snake position, etc)
while the snake is alive:
handle input;
check to see if the snake is dead;
I've taken your python code and structured it this way. Pay attention to where I set the variable snake_is_alive
to false. See how it makes the inner loop end, but makes the outer loop start over.
import pygame, sys, time, random
from pygame.locals import *
fpsClock = pygame.time.Clock()
playSurface = pygame.display.set_mode((640, 480))
pygame.display.set_caption('Happy Birthday Mum')
redColour = pygame.Color(255, 0, 0)
blackColour = pygame.Color(0, 0, 0)
whiteColour = pygame.Color(255, 255, 255)
greyColour = pygame.Color(150, 150, 150)
game_is_running = True
while game_is_running:
snakePosition = [100,100]
snakeSegments = [[100,100],[80,100],[60,100]]
raspberryPosition = [300,300]
raspberrySpawned = 1
direction = 'right'
changeDirection = direction
diff = 30
snake_is_alive = True
while snake_is_alive:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT:
elif event.type == KEYDOWN:
if event.key == K_RIGHT or event.key == ord('d'):
changeDirection = 'right'
if event.key == K_LEFT or event.key == ord('a'):
changeDirection = 'left'
if event.key == K_UP or event.key == ord('w'):
changeDirection = 'up'
if event.key == K_DOWN or event.key == ord('s'):
changeDirection = 'down'
if event.key == K_ESCAPE:
if event.key == K_1:
diff = 10
if event.key == K_2:
diff = 20
if event.key == K_3:
diff = 30
if event.key == K_4:
diff = 40
if event.key == K_5:
diff = 50
if event.key == K_r:
snake_is_alive = False
if changeDirection == 'right' and not direction == 'left':
direction = changeDirection
if changeDirection == 'left' and not direction == 'right':
direction = changeDirection
if changeDirection == 'up' and not direction == 'down':
direction = changeDirection
if changeDirection == 'down' and not direction == 'up':
direction = changeDirection
if direction == 'right':
snakePosition[0] += 20
if direction == 'left':
snakePosition[0] -= 20
if direction == 'up':
snakePosition[1] -= 20
if direction == 'down':
snakePosition[1] += 20
if snakePosition[0] == raspberryPosition[0] and snakePosition[1] == raspberryPosition[1]:
raspberrySpawned = 0
if raspberrySpawned == 0:
x = random.randrange(1,32)
y = random.randrange(1,24)
raspberryPosition = [int(x*20),int(y*20)]
raspberrySpawned = 1
for position in snakeSegments:
pygame.draw.rect(playSurface,whiteColour,Rect(position[0], position[1], 20, 20))
pygame.draw.rect(playSurface,redColour,Rect(raspberryPosition[0], raspberryPosition[1], 20, 20))
if snakePosition[0] > 620 or snakePosition[0] < 0:
snake_is_alive = False
if snakePosition[1] > 460 or snakePosition[1] < 0:
snake_is_alive = False
for snakeBody in snakeSegments[1:]:
if snakePosition[0] == snakeBody[0] and snakePosition[1] == snakeBody[1]:
snake_is_alive = False
gameOverFont = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 72)
gameOverSurf = gameOverFont.render('Game Over', True, greyColour)
gameOverRect = gameOverSurf.get_rect()
gameOverRect.midtop = (320, 10)
playSurface.blit(gameOverSurf, gameOverRect)
I got rid of the functions to make it easier to read, but even if you make functions, the overall structure (inner loop and outer loop) should remain the same.