I'm running boot2docker 1.3 on Win7.
I want to connect a shared folder.
In the VirtualBox Manager under the image properties->shared folders I've added the folder I've want and named it "c/shared". The "auto-mount" and "make permanent" boxes are checked.
When boot2docker boots, it isn't mounted though. I have to do an additional:
sudo mount -t vboxsf c/shared /c/shared
for it to show up. Since I need that for every time I'll ever use docker, I'd like that to just run on boot, or just already be there. So I thought if there were some startup script I could add, but I can't seem to find where that would be.
EDIT: It's yelling at me about this being a duplicate of Boot2Docker on Mac - Accessing Local Files which is a different question. I wanted to mount a folder that wasn't one of the defaults such as /User on OSX or /c/Users on windows. And I'm specifically asking for startup scripts.
fits your need probably, it will be run by initial script /opt/bootscripts.sh
And bootscripts.sh
will also put the output into the /var/log/bootlocal.log
, see segment below (boot2docker 1.3.1 version)
# Allow local HD customisation
if [ -e /var/lib/boot2docker/bootlocal.sh ]; then
/var/lib/boot2docker/bootlocal.sh > /var/log/bootlocal.log 2>&1 &
One use case for me is
I usually put shared
directory as /c/Users/larry/shared
, then I add script
ln -s /c/Users/larry/shared /home/docker/shared
So each time, I can access ~/shared
in boot2docker as the same as in host
see FAQ.md (provided by @KCD)