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UITabBar image load issue when Touch ID verification

I've been working all over this issue for days but no luck. Here it is:

I have a UIViewController to UITabBarController set up. User enters a password to access the tab-based views etc. This is all good. However, I recently added Touch ID support to my app but when I have a successful verification with it, It loads tab images after couple of minutes yeah seriously couple of minutes!; except the tab that is active.

This is a storyboard application and I'm presenting tab controller with a segue.

When I press the button to perform segue, its all ok: enter image description here

But when I perform the segue after Touch ID verification with performSegueWithIdentifier: enter image description here

I tried lazy loading, using IB and everything but can't find a solution.

Is there anyone can help me? Thanks.


  • I've found out what was wrong if anyone still wonders. Since touch id is executed in evaluatePolicy block, so to break out of execution and having a code block run simultaneously, all you need to do is create a function and call dispatch_async with dispatch_get_main_queue then do whatever you want to do in there.