I made a small application that should connect to an remote Oracle database running inside a virutal machine (W8.1).
On a sucessfull connection a showmessage should popup.
I folled those steps to ensure my application is able to connect: installing Oracle Instantclient on Mac OS/X without setting environment variables?
The application uses FireDac's Oracle FireDAC.Phys.Oracle
driver to connect and TFDGUIxLoginDialog
to login.
Nothing really special indeed:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
FDConnection1.Connected := True;
procedure TForm1.FDConnection1AfterConnect(Sender: TObject);
procedure TForm1.FDConnection1Error(ASender: TObject;
const AInitiator: IFDStanObject; var AException: Exception);
This is working fine and quick in Windows 8.1 and 10.
However in Mavericks i get the OID generation failed
error as shown in the picture.
It doesn't matter if i use the VMs IP or DNS name to connect. It won't connect at all.
Oracle's SQL Developer is able to connect, tho.
The Oralce SQL Developer takes about 15 - 20s until it establishes a connection to the database.
My application isn't even trying that long to connect. It fails after ~7s.
Maybe it times out before a stable connection is available?
If so, is there any way to extend the login process time before throwing errors?
Or maybe this is a complete other problem?
Please note that i spent about 5 hours figuring out this problem already without success.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Ok here is what went wrong.
The host file of my OSX Mavericks guest system was incorrect.
Like @whosrdaddy posted you have to change your host file like explained in this link: http://chaos667.tumblr.com/post/20006357466/ora-21561-and-oracle-instant-client-11-2
I did enter the Devicename one can find in Sharing -> Devicename in the OSX Control Panel.
So what i did was entering this name in the host file.
However i was using the incorrect name.
I got the correct name by using echo " $(hostname)
which printed the correct name: LionVM.local
I didn't use this VM in a long time and probably forgotten that i renamed the devicename after upgrading to Mavericks some time ago.
Now my application is able to connect.