We can draw an arrow using:
set arrow 1 from 0,-5 to 0,5
However, the from and to positions are using the x1y1 axis.
How can I let the positions use the x1y2 axis? I have a y2 axis different from y1 axis.
Use the second
coordinate system:
# Set different ranges for y1 and y2
set y2range [-1:1]; set yrange [-10:10]; set xrange [-2*pi:2*pi]; set y2tics
set multiplot layout 2,1
# Set arrow using x1y1 coordinate system
set arrow 1 from 0,0 to 1,1
plot sin(x)
# Set arrow using x2y2 coordinate system (x2 = x1 because x2 is not set)
set arrow 1 from second 0,0 to second 1,1
plot sin(x)
You can see the difference: