I tryout some ways to use postsharp
The definition of one of my custom aspects looks like:
<Serializable> _
<MulticastAttributeUsage(PersistMetaData:=True)> _
Public Class StringChecker
Inherits LocationInterceptionAspect
Public Overrides Sub OnGetValue(ByVal args As LocationInterceptionArgs)
..... ..... .....
When I try to find all classes that are tagged with the attribute / aspect , the result ist always empty. I use this code to discover the assemblys at runtime:
Dim targetClasses As IEnumerable(Of Type) = From asm In AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().Where(Function(A) A.FullName.Contains("MyNameSpace")) _
.SelectMany(Function(A) A.GetTypes()) _
.Where(Function(T) T.IsDefined(GetType(StringChecker), True))
When I use for testing proposals, a normal atttribute, the query delivers the espected types. Hoppefully some can give me a hint what I have to do.
edit: It looks like the custom attributes can only be found in the class propertys..
Regards, Markus
There are two ways to do it: