I have a problem with my code, every time I loop it with the answer 'y'(Yes) it loops to infinity?
I'm trying to make a loan calculator and every time the user is done calculating with a transaction and wants to reset, and do another calculation if he enters in a value 'y', and if he enters 'n' the program will end.
Here's my code so far:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int main() {
char ans = 'y';
do {
string name;
int Months;
int n;
double LoanAmount, Rate, MonthlyInterest, TotalLoanAmount, MonthlyAmortization, OutstandingBalance;
cout << fixed << showpoint;
cout << "Enter Name of Borrower: ";
getline(cin, name);
cout << "Enter Loan Amount: ";
cin >> LoanAmount;
cout << "Enter Number of Months to Pay: ";
cin >> Months;
cout << "Enter Interest Rate in Percent(%): ";
cin >> Rate;
cout << setprecision(2);
MonthlyInterest = LoanAmount * Rate;
TotalLoanAmount = LoanAmount + (MonthlyInterest * Months);
cout << "Monthly Interest: " << MonthlyInterest << endl
<< "Total Loan Amount with interest: " << TotalLoanAmount << endl;
cout << setw(100)
<< "\tName of Borrower: " << name
<< "\n\nMonth\t\tMonthly Amortization\t\tOutstanding Balance"
<< "\n";
for(n = 1; n <= Months; n++) {
MonthlyAmortization = TotalLoanAmount / Months;
OutstandingBalance = TotalLoanAmount - MonthlyAmortization;
cout << n << "\t\t" << MonthlyAmortization << "\t\t\t" << n - 1 << OutstandingBalance << endl;
cout << "\nEnd of Transaction";
cout << "Do you want to compute another transaction?[y/n]?" << endl;
cin >> ans;
while(ans == 'y');
After your cin>>ans, add these two lines :
That usually fixes a lot of the infinite looping problems I get with cin.
Also, I would recommend against initializing ans as 'y' when you declare it. I don't think this is causing you problems but it's an uncessesary thing.