In a programming exercise, it was first asked to program the factorial function and then calculate the sum: 1! + 2! + 3! +... n!
in O(n)
multiplications (so we can't use the factorial directly). I am not searching the solution to this specific (trivial) problem, I'm trying to explore Haskell abilities and this problem is a toy I would like to play with.
I thought Python's generators could be a nice solution to this problem. For example :
from itertools import islice
def ifact():
i , f = 1, 1
yield 1
while True:
f *= i
i += 1
yield f
def sum_fact(n):
return sum(islice(ifact(),5))
Then I've tried to figure out if there was something in Haskell having a similar behavior than this generator and I thought that laziness do all the staff without any additional concept.
For example, we could replace my Python ifact with
fact = scan1 (*) [1..]
And then solve the exercise with the following :
sum n = foldl1 (+) (take n fact)
I wonder if this solution is really "equivalent" to Python's one regarding time complexity and memory usage. I would say that Haskell's solution never store all the list fact since their elements are used only once.
Am I right or totally wrong ?
EDIT : I should have check more precisely:
Prelude> foldl1 (+) (take 4 fact)
Prelude> :sprint fact
fact = 1 : 2 : 6 : 24 : _
So (my implementation of) Haskell store the result, even if it's no longer used.
Your examples are not equivalent in memory usage. It is easy to see if you replace *
with a +
(so that the numbers don't get big too quickly) and then run both examples on a big n
such as 10^7. Your Haskell version will consume a lot of memory and python will keep it low.
Python generator will not generate a list of values then sum it up. Instead, the sum
function will get values one-by-one from the generator and accumulate them. Thus, the memory usage will remain constant.
Haskell will evaluate functions lazily, but in order to calculate say foldl1 (+) (take n fact)
it will have to evaluate the complete expression. For large n
this will unfold into a huge expression the same way as (foldl (+) 0 [0..n])
does. For more details on evaluation and reduction have a look here:
You can fix your sum n
by using foldl1'
instead of foldl1
as described on the link above. As @user2407038 explained in his comment, you'd also need to keep fact
local. The following works in GHC with a constant memory use:
let notfact = scanl1 (+) [1..]
let n = 20000000
let res = foldl' (+) 0 (take n notfact)
Note that in case of the actual factorial in place of notfact
memory considerations are less of a concern. The numbers will get big quickly, arbitrary-precision arithmetic will slow things down so you won't be able get to big values of n
in order to actually see the difference.