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StyleCop Plus: Cant find configuration dialog

I installed Style Cop Plus from Nuget. I know it is installed and doing its thing because I see wantings like this one:

SP2001 Warning  5   SP2001 : StyleCopPlus.StyleCopPlus : Only tab characters are allowed to be used for indentation.    D:\Users\Chad\Desktop\TypeScript\One\WebApplication4\Classes\Class1.cs  4   1   WebApplication4

However, this is in conflict with other static code analysis, not sure from where.

Warning 5   SA1027 : CSharp.Spacing : Tabs are not allowed. Use spaces instead. D:\Users\Chad\Desktop\TypeScript\One\WebApplication4\Classes\Class1.cs  4   1   WebApplication4

Prior to installing Style Code Plus, I already had Style Cop installed.

Clearly I have to turn off one of these warnings since they are in conflict with one another. I am trying to figure out where the rules can be configured for each.

If I ..

1. go to Project -> Properties -> Code Analysis Tab
2. Click the Open Rules button next to "MS recommended Rules" 
3. Search for "SP2001" and "SA1027"

..neither is found

However, I do find SA1027 in the Style Cop rules by doing the following

1. Project Explorer select Project, right mouse => Style Cop Settings 
. Find SA1027

SP2001, as the message indicates, is clearly a Style Cop Plus rule.

Referring to the Codeplex StyleCop Plus web page, I see in the documentation a Style Copy Plus dialog that looks like the following but I am unable to find it.

Where do I find the configurations screen for StyleCop Plus to turn off SA1027?

enter image description here


From the above referenced web page:

As soon as StyleCop+ is installed correctly, you should see new "StyleCop+" tab appeared in settings dialog. This tab contains settings page for configuring all StyleCop+ features.


  • I did as Oleg suggested, I copied the StyleCopPlus.dll to the StyleCop folder. But then I decided to click the Properties of the file and click the "Unblock" button. This was the missing step. Thanks, Oleg!