My ocaml setting is the following :
The source code with test inlined :
let rec foo x0 f = function
[] -> 0
| x::xs -> f x (foo x0 f xs);;
(*$T foo
foo 0 (+) [1;2] = 3
qtest -o extract
Then unfortunately, fails to compile:
corebuild footest2.native -pkg quickcheck
let ___tests = ref []
let ___add test = ___tests := test::!___tests
open OUnit;;
module Q = Quickcheck;;let ( ==> ) = Q.( ==> );;
module Test__environment_0 = struct
open Foo;;
let _test_2 = "foo" >::: [
"" >:: (
#6 ""
let foo = foo in fun () -> OUnit.assert_bool " foo 0 (+) [1;2] = 3" (
#6 ""
foo 0 (+) [1;2] = 3));
];; let _ = ___add _test_2;;
let _ = exit ( ("" >::: List.rev !___tests))
the error being: "Error: Unbound module Quickcheck"
Indeed, it should be QuickCheck instead of Quickcheck - after fixing this, I got the error : Error: Unbound value Q.==>. After removal of :
let ( ==> ) = Q.( ==> );;
The compilation fails later : Error: Unbound module Runner.
But no module called "Runner"...
Any idea to get this working?
Try using the package QTest2Lib instead of qtest or quickcheck:
corebuild footest2.native -pkg QTest2Lib