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Vagrant Provision AWS Issue

I am following the Rails App Cookbook and am facing issue with step 6 which involves provisioning an AWS instance. I received the following errors as output.

As explained in the guide, upon observing the provisioning failure, I executed vagrant up --provider=aws and received the following errors.

Here are the outputs of the dependency file, kernel gem file and the berks file where the errors are observed.

Upon inspecting the errors and the berks file, I tried modifying line 11 to version = "3.2.0", but that didn't make any difference as I can see the same errors.

Here is the output of the Vagrantfile.

I investigated further and found the following issue being reported Berkshelf Github page. I tried the solution suggested - ensure that the Chef-DK directories are at the front of my $PATH by applying the following command $ PATH=$HOME/.chefdk/gem/ruby/2.1.0/bin:/opt/chefdk/bin:$PATH

I observed the following output at my system.

Could someone please suggest what could be the problem?


  • I found the solution to the problem. I was using the vagrant-berkshelf plugin. The correct plugin to be used is berkshelf alone. The issue was rectified after running the following commands:

    vagrant plugin uninstall vagrant-berkshelf
    vagrant plugin install berkshelf