I have a question related to basic mathematics, but with Matlab solving method. Here is the question:
y = 5;
for x=0.01:100
F = 3*x + y - 2*x^2;
From the above iterative equation I want to find the max [F] value and its relative [x]. Is it possible to solve it through matlab solvers. Could you please help me to solve this problem?
For unconstrained non-linear optimization (according to your last edit) use fminsearch
to solve your problem. It would be something like this:
F = @(x) 3*x + y - 2*x^2;
xini = 5; %initial value to the solver
[xsolu Fsolu] = fminsearch(@F,xini)
To control the options, parameters of solver see optimset
opts = optimset('MaxFunEvals',10e4, 'MaxIter', 10e4)
[xsolu Fsolu] = fminsearch(@F,xini, opts)
The solution according to your original formulation would be:
F = zeros(length(x),1);
for ii = 1:length(x)
F(i) = 3*x(i) + y - 2*x(i)^2;
xsolu = max(F);
Fsolu = F(x == xsolu);
Which is quite inefficient approach, to say nothing more.