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Spring Boot Jersey and Monitoring URL's

We have a simple Spring Boot application with Jersey.

Spring Boot provides default monitoring end points


public class JerseyConfig extends ResourceConfig {

    public JerseyConfig() {
        // registering resources from rest package



The REST end points that are provided by Spring Boot are not available in the context of a Spring Boot Jersey Application.

The Spring Boot dependency includes Jersey, starter-actuator, starter-tomcat.

Our REST resources show up fine, but the ones provided by Spring Boot for monitoring dont show up.

E.g returns a 404


  • If you are using it as a Filter you need to tell Jersey not to handle those requests. E.g. by putting the Jersey resources under a separate path, like "/api/*" or something:

    public FilterRegistrationBean jersey() {
        FilterRegistrationBean bean = new FilterRegistrationBean();
        return bean;

    (from here).

    Or by declaring that your admin endpoints are "static" (via another init parameter ""):

    public FilterRegistrationBean jersey() {
        FilterRegistrationBean bean = new FilterRegistrationBean();
        return bean;

    where we have set management.contextPath=/admin in the Spring Boot external configuration (otherwise you'd have to enumerate all the endpoints in the regex).

    You can also tell Jersey to ignore unresolved requests (instead of sending a 404). That would also achieve your goal, but might affect your client apps (if they rely on a 404 for their behaviour).