I am trying to authorize Twitter For a user in iOS and Temboo. Here is how I am attempting to do it.
In my SetttingsViewController class I have a button where the user can tap to begin the TwitterAuthentication. I have the InitializeOauth methods in a class called TwitterClient, and the FinalizeOauth methods in a class called TwitterFClient. Here are my classes.
-(void)runInitializeOAuthChoreo {
// Instantiate the Choreo, using a previously instantiated TembooSession object, eg:
TMBTembooSession *session = [[TMBTembooSession alloc] initWithAccount:@"prnk28" appKeyName:@"Floadt" andAppKeyValue:@"9b9031d182d7441da05f8214ba2c7170"];
// Create the choreo object using your Temboo session
TMBTwitter_OAuth_InitializeOAuth *initializeOAuthChoreo = [[TMBTwitter_OAuth_InitializeOAuth alloc] initWithSession:session];
// Get Inputs object for the choreo
TMBTwitter_OAuth_InitializeOAuth_Inputs *initializeOAuthInputs = [initializeOAuthChoreo newInputSet];
// Set credential to use for execution
[initializeOAuthInputs setCredential:@"Twitter"];
// Set inputs
[initializeOAuthInputs setForwardingURL:@"floadt://success"];
// Execute choreo specifying this class as the choreo delegate
[initializeOAuthChoreo executeWithInputs:initializeOAuthInputs delegate:self];
// TMBChoreographyDelegate method implementation - handle choreo errors
-(void)choreographyDidFailWithError:(NSError*)error {
// Log error to the console
NSLog(@"Error - %@", error);
// TMBChoreographyDelegate method implementation - choreo executed successfully
-(void)choreographyDidFinishExecuting:(TMBTwitter_OAuth_InitializeOAuth_ResultSet*)result {
// Log results to the console
// NSLog(@"%@", [result getAuthorizationURL]);
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:[result getAuthorizationURL]]];
NSUserDefaults *user = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
NSString *callbackid = [result getCallbackID];
[user setObject:callbackid forKey:@"TwitterCallbackID"];
[user synchronize];
NSString *oauthtokensecret = [result getOAuthTokenSecret];
[user setObject:oauthtokensecret forKey:@"TwitterTemporaryOAuth"];
[user synchronize];
-(void)runFinalizeOAuthChoreo {
// Instantiate the Choreo, using a previously instantiated TembooSession object, eg:
TMBTembooSession *session = [[TMBTembooSession alloc] initWithAccount:@"prnk28" appKeyName:@"Floadt" andAppKeyValue:@"9b9031d182d7441da05f8214ba2c7170"];
// Create the choreo object using your Temboo session
TMBTwitter_OAuth_FinalizeOAuth *finalizeOAuthChoreo = [[TMBTwitter_OAuth_FinalizeOAuth alloc] initWithSession:session];
// Get Inputs object for the choreo
TMBTwitter_OAuth_FinalizeOAuth_Inputs *finalizeOAuthInputs = [finalizeOAuthChoreo newInputSet];
// Set credential to use for execution
[finalizeOAuthInputs setCredential:@"Twitter"];
// Set inputs
NSUserDefaults *user = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
NSString *tCall = [user stringForKey:@"TwitterCallbackID"];
NSString *tTAuth = [user stringForKey:@"TwitterTemporaryOAuth"];
[finalizeOAuthInputs setOAuthTokenSecret:tCall];
[finalizeOAuthInputs setCallbackID:tTAuth];
[finalizeOAuthInputs setConsumerKey:TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY];
[finalizeOAuthInputs setConsumerSecret:TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET];
// Execute choreo specifying this class as the choreo delegate
[finalizeOAuthChoreo executeWithInputs:finalizeOAuthInputs delegate:self];
// TMBChoreographyDelegate method implementation - handle choreo errors
-(void)choreographyDidFailWithError:(NSError*)error {
// Log error to the console
NSLog(@"Error - %@", error);
// TMBChoreographyDelegate method implementation - choreo executed successfully
-(void)choreographyDidFinishExecuting:(TMBTwitter_OAuth_FinalizeOAuth_ResultSet*)result {
// Log results to the console
NSLog(@"%@", [result getAccessTokenSecret]);
NSLog(@"%@", [result getAccessToken]);
NSLog(@"%@", [result getScreenName]);
NSLog(@"%@", [result getUserID]);
Those are the two client classes. I believe that in the Facebook example they are both combined would that be the suggested practice?
Anyway this is how the methods are called from within the SettingsViewController Class:
TwitterClient *twitter = [[TwitterClient alloc] init];
[twitter runInitializeOAuthChoreo];
When the user returns from the Web Browser is when I call the FinalizeOAuth Method. Here is how it is stated in the AppDelegate.
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application openURL:(NSURL *)url sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication
NSString *daURL = [url absoluteString];
// NSString *instagram;
NSString *twitter;
twitter = [daURL substringWithRange: NSMakeRange (0, 16)];
// instagram = [daURL substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, 27)];
if ([daURL isEqual: @"floadt://success"]) {
TwitterFClient *fo = [[TwitterFClient alloc] init];
[fo runFinalizeOAuthChoreo];
[[InstagramClient sharedClient] handleOAuthCallbackWithURL:url];
return YES;
Im under the assumption that there is a much simpler way to do this and I would be open to drastic code change!
It looks like you have these values reversed:
[finalizeOAuthInputs setOAuthTokenSecret:tCall];
[finalizeOAuthInputs setCallbackID:tTAuth];
Also, in the finalize step you're specifying your Twitter
credential, but then you're also doing this:
[finalizeOAuthInputs setConsumerKey:TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY];
[finalizeOAuthInputs setConsumerSecret:TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET];
That's unnecessary, since those values are stored in your credential (as evidenced by your use of it in the initialize-oauth flow). You can remove those two lines altogether. If they for some reason didn't match, your choreo execution would fail.