I'm trying to learn RabbitMQ for a project I'm working on. My research showed two libraries to use, Net::RabbitMQ and AnyEvent::RabbitMQ. AnyEvent::RabbitMQ seems overly baroque for my needs but Net::RabbitMQ does not appear to work as the examples show it should. Below is some example code I found, it matches what I saw in the POD, but it isn't working.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Net::RabbitMQ;
# closure to return a new channel ID every time we call nextchan
my $nextchan = 1;
sub nextchan { return $nextchan++ }
### BEGIN CONFIGURABLE PARAMETERS ######################################
my $qserver = q{xx.xx.xx.xx};
my %qparms = ();
my $qname = q{gravity.checks};
my $message = q{Test injection};
my $mq = Net::RabbitMQ->new();
my $chanID = nextchan();
$message .= " " . scalar(localtime);
print STDERR qq{Will try to send message "$message" through channel $chanID};
$mq->connect( $qserver, %qparms );
It errors out :
$. / send . pl
Will try to send message "Test injection Fri Nov 14 06:50:44 2014" through channel 1 Usage : Net::RabbitMQ::connect( conn, hostname, options ) at . /send.pl line 28.
The problem is that the %qparams
need to be passed by reference and not directly. The change line 28 to :
$mq->connect($qserver, \%qparms) ;
Solved my problem.