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Diagnosing the .NET Legacy

Assume you are taking over a legacy .NET app. written in C#

What are the top 5 diagnostic measures, profiling or otherwise that you would employ to assess the health of the application?

I am not just looking at the "WHAT" part of diagnosis but also at the "HOW". For e.g. It is indeed necessary to assess fast/optimum response times of the app. ... but is there a way to to establish/measure it by technical diagnosis of the code base instead of just getting user-experience feedback?

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And yes there are bound to be some awesome tools that you use for the would be great if you list them too.


  • 1. User Perception

    The very first thing I'd do is simply survey the users. Remember, they are the ones we are doing this for. However horrible an application may look inside, if the users love it (or at least don't actively dislike it) then you don't want to immediately start ripping it apart.

    I'd want to ask questions such as:

    • Does it run smoothly?
    • Is it easy to use?
    • When you use it, do you feel confident that it's doing what you expect?
    • Is it a BMW, a Civic, or a Pinto?

    The answers will be subjective. That's okay. At this point we're just looking for broad trends. If an overwhelming number of users say that it crashes all the time, or that they're afraid to perform basic tasks, then you're in trouble.

    If the app breeds superstition, and you hear things like "it seems to flake out on Thursday mornings" or "I don't know what this button does, but it doesn't work unless I click it first", run for the hills.

    2. Documentation

    A lack of documentation, or documentation that is hideously out of date, is a sure sign of a sick application. No documentation means that development staff cut corners, or are so overworked with the constant death march that they just can't find the time for this kind of "unnecessary" work.

    I'm not talking user manuals - a well-designed app shouldn't need them - I mean technical documentation, how the architecture looks, what the components do, environmental dependencies, configuration settings, requirements/user stories, test cases/test plans, file formats, you get the idea. A defect tracking system is also an essential part of documentation.

    Developers end up making (incorrect) assumptions in the absence of proper documentation. I've spoken to several people in the industry who think that this is optional, but every system I have ever seen or worked on that had little or no documentation ended up being riddled with bugs and design flaws.

    3. Tests

    No better way to judge the health of an application than by its own tests, if they're available. Unit tests, code coverage, integration tests, even manual tests, anything works here. The more complete the suite of tests, the better the chance of the system being healthy.

    Successful tests don't guarantee much at all, other than that the specific features being tested work the way that the people who wrote the tests expect them to. But a lot of failing tests, or tests that haven't been updated in years, or no tests at all - those are red flags.

    I can't point to specific tools here because every team uses different tools for testing. Work with whatever is already in production.

    4. Static Analysis

    Some of you probably immediately thought "FxCop." Not yet. The first thing I'd do is break out NDepend.

    Just a quick look at the dependency tree of an application will give you enormous amounts of information about how well the application is designed. Most of the worst design anti-patterns - the Big Ball of Mud, Circular Dependencies, Spaghetti Code, God Objects - will be visible almost immediately from just a bird's-eye view of the dependencies.

    Next, I would run a full build, turning on the "treat warnings as errors" setting. Ignoring specific warnings through compiler directives or flags is alright most of the time, but literally ignoring the warnings spells trouble. Again, this won't guarantee you that everything is OK or that anything is broken, but it's a very useful heuristic in determining the level of care that went into the actual coding phase.

    After I am satisfied that the overall design/architecture is not complete garbage, then I would look at FxCop. I don't take its output as gospel, but I am specifically interested in Design Warnings and Usage Warnings (security warnings are also a red flag but very rare).

    5. Runtime Analysis

    At this point I am already satisfied that the application, at a high level, is not an enormous mound of suck. This phase would vary quite a bit with respect to the specific application under the microscope, but some good things to do are:

    • Log all first-chance exceptions under a normal run. This will help to gauge the robustness of the application, to see if too many exceptions are being swallowed or if exceptions are being used as flow control. If you see a lot of top-level Exception instances or SystemException derivatives appearing, be afraid.

    • Run it through a profiler such as EQATEC. That should help you fairly easily identify any serious performance problems. If the application uses a SQL back-end, use a SQL profiling tool to watch queries. (Really there are separate of steps for testing the health of a database, which is a critical part of testing an application that's based on one, but I don't want to get too off-topic).

    • Watch a few users - look especially for "rituals", things they do for apparently no reason. These are usually the sign of lingering bugs and ticking time bombs. Also look to see if it generates a lot of error messages, locks up the UI for long periods while "thinking", and so on. Basically, anything you'd personally hate to see as a user.

    • Stress tests. Again, the specific tools depend on the application, but this is especially applicable to server-based apps. See if the application can still function under heavy load. If it starts timing out near the breaking point, that's OK; if it starts generating bizarre error message or worse, seems to corrupt data or state, that's a very bad sign.

    And that's about all I can think of for now. I'll update if any more come to mind.