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Marionette 2.2 how to hear the trigger event?

It was worked well with previous version of marionette. Now I updated to 2.2 newer version. But I am not able to hear my trigger now.

i understand it is updated and changed the approach. any one guide me to get the new approach please?

my trigger in itemView :

List.Contact = Marionette.ItemView.extend({
        tagName : "tr",
        events: {
            "click": "highlightName"

        triggers : {
            "click button.js-delete" : "contact:delete" // i trigger delete from here
        template : "#contact-list-item",
        highlightName: function (e){
        remove : function () {
            var self = this;
            this.$el.fadeOut('slow', function() {

Here is i am trying to hear my trigger: (controller)

List.Controller = {
        listContacts : function () {
            var contacts = ContactManager.request("contact:entities");

            var contactsListView = new List.Contacts({
                collection : contacts

            contactsListView.on("itemview:contact:delete", function (childView, Model) {
                console.log("i am hearing!"); //not working at all...
                contacts.remove(model); //is the way is wrong?


Both are nested with separate modules. please help me. Thanks in advance!


  • I updated itemview - in to childview - it's works fine.

    List.Controller = {
            listContacts : function () {
                var contacts = ContactManager.request("contact:entities");
                var contactsListView = new List.Contacts({
                    collection : contacts
                contactsListView.on("childview:contact:delete", function (childView, Model) {
                    console.log("i am hearing!"); //not working at all...
                    contacts.remove(model); //is the way is wrong?