I thought that I could check the status of an AVPlayer simply by the property "rate".
This is how I create a player instance:
player = AVPlayer(URL: stream) // streaming from the internet
At some later point I would do something like this
This is what I discovered:
Do you have any idea why that happens and how I could check the stream condition otherwise?
I have tried an observer so far:
player!.addObserver(self, forKeyPath: "status", options: NSKeyValueObservingOptions.New, context: nil)
But even the method "observeValueForKeyPath" does not get fired in my iPhone test case.
I could not make it work with adding an observer on the currentItem as user @gabbler suggested.
However it helped using the notification center like this:
object: nil,
queue: nil,
usingBlock: { notification in
Note that stop() is a method in the same class which stops the stream as if a stop button were clicked.