I'm trying to set a dynamic variable in map.jinja but it is not setting correctly.
I have a software version I want to be able to set through a grain and pick it up in the map to dynamically select the directories. I'm using the keyword version like below.
{% set version = grains.get('version', '') %}
{% set myapp = salt['grains.filter_by']({
'RedHat': {
'sudoers': {
'name': '/etc/sudoers',
'text':['appuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh /usr/opt/HTTP{{ version }}/bin/apachectl'],
}, merge=salt['pillar.get']('myapp:lookup')) %}
And the result is just the jinja template tag included not rendered to the version number...
salt '' state.show_sls myapp
appuser ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/sh /usr/opt/HTTP{{ version }}/bin/apachectl
Notice no change to the line.... its not being rendered
My import line:
{% from "myapp/map.jinja" import myapp %}
- text:
{% for item in myapp.sudoers.text -%}
- {{ item }}
{% endfor %}
Turns out I needed to quote {{ item }}
in the state file
{% from "myapp/map.jinja" import myapp %} /etc/sudoers: file.append: - text: {% for item in myapp.sudoers.text -%} - '{{ item }}' {% endfor %}