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Is it possible to drag a TPanel to outside the TForm?

I'm wondering if it's possible to make something like this:


but without creating a second TForm.

I'm using Delphi 7, but if a newer version make it possible just tell me.


  • I've always thought the DockEx demo was over-complicated for learning the basics of docking.

    The following is the simplest example I know of:

    • Add a TPanel to a blank form and set its DragKind property to dkDock, DragMode to dmAutomatic and its Align property to alTop.

    • Drop a TButton on the TPanel

    • Add the code below to the form:

    • Run the project and manually drag the panel off the form.

    • Click Button1.

    The above shows how Delphi can undock a Panel (or TEdit, etc) without you needing to create a second form to host it while undocked, like Remy said in a comment. The Button1 click-handler shows a way (admittedly imperfect) of re-docking the panel. Next:

    • Undock the panel again, but this time, click the Close button on its auto-created host.

    Then, read the OLH and figure out a) how to get the now-hidden panel visible again and b) to re-position & re-align it on the form as it was prior to undocking,

        TMyClass = TControl;
      procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
        TMyClass(Panel1).ManualDock(Self, Nil, alNone);