I have the following code for framset display
<FRAMESET ROWS="18%,*" >
<FRAME SRC="./views/Title_Page.html" NAME=TITLE SCROLLING=NO MARGINHEIGHT=1 noresize="noresize">
<FRAME SRC="./views/Navigation_Page.jsp" NAME=SIDEBAR noresize="noresize" scrolling="no">
<FRAME SRC="./views/Welcome.html" NAME=MAIN noresize="noresize">
I want to add a logout link which logges out of the app ,when i add a link in Title_Page.html it logges out only that frame but not the others,how will handle it?i want to log out completly from all the frames
I must preface by saying that frames are pretty much frowned upon on the web these days. They're deprecated, they're not a good user experience, it's very difficult to link or bookmark a page, etc etc...
Add target="_top"
to your logout link. It will target the "top" page (the one which defines all the frames). Also note that target
is deprecated.