When I am trying to delete a package from the solution tree, monodevelop gives me a message "Unable to find package " ... " to remove it from the project. Please restore the package first."
I am unable to restore package, because NuGet.exe gives an error
"Error: SendFailure (Error writing headers)" and then
"Unable to find version 'N.M.K' of package 'SomePackageName'"
How to delete these packages?
You should be able to fix the "SendFailure (Error writing headers)" error if you are on Linux by running:
mozroots --import --sync
If you cannot find the original NuGet package you can manually remove the package. Currently with the built-in NuGet addin in MonoDevelop you cannot forcefully remove a NuGet package. MonoDevelop uses the NuGet package contents to work out what needs to be removed from the project.
Manual removal will be a case of:
element for that package.