I have a spring-batch xml-based configuration that should be migrated to annotation-based configuration.
but I can't find any solution to define a chunk into the tasklet definition.
There are my xml and code base decleration:
<step id="files2Memory">
<chunk reader="pointFileReader" processor="pointFileProcessor"
writer="pointFileWriter" commit-interval="50000"/>
public Step files2Memory() {
return stepBuilders.get("files2Memory")
.tasklet(new Tasklet() {
public RepeatStatus execute(StepContribution stepContribution, ChunkContext chunkContext) throws Exception {
return null;
.reader(new PointFileReader())
.writer(new PointFileWriter())
.processor(new PointFileProcessor())
Best Regards
Mark PointFileReader and PointFileWriter PointFileProcessor with @Component, use @Scope("step") if required. Make Sure component scan cover them.
In you batch config file autowried the above.
private PointFileWriter pointFileWriter ;
private PointFileReader pointFileReader ;
private ItemProcessor<TypeFromReader, TypeForWriter> pointFileProcessor ;
private PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager;
protected Step files2Memory(){
return steps
.<TypeFromReader, TypeForWriter> chunk(5000)
.reader(pointFileReader )
If one of the PointFileReader and PointFileWriter PointFileProcessor can not be specif as PointFileReader and PointFileWriter PointFileProcessorPointFileReader and PointFileWriter @Component you can defined them as @Beans and replace fields with method call
protected ItemReader<TypeFromReader> pointFileReader() {
PointFileReader <TypeFromReader> reader = new PointFileReader <TypeFromReader>();
return reader;