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Facebook Like Button XFBML comment not working

Update: Read the comments to the item marked as the answer below for the full answer.

I am implementing a Like button from Facebook per this document:

I am using the XFBML version so that users can add comments when they click on the Like button. I have imported the Facebook JavaScript SDK an am using a valid App ID. The button appears and I am able to "Like" the page, but I am never prompted for comments.

Is anybody else running into these issues? Anybody know of a fix?


  • Before I had inserted the correct appId in the FB.init() call to initialize the Facebook javascript SDK, the button appeared, I was able to "Like" the page like you, but saw no comment box either.

    When I inserted the appId, but hosted the page locally, I got an error message saying that the page could not be reached (from Facebook's servers).

    Finally, hosting the page on a public server made the buttons behave as expected: with comment box for the XFBML version, and without comment box for the Iframe.

    Hope that helps...