We are in the process of writing a puppet manifest which will install unzip and some other tools in Mac OS X, the puppet manifest looks like below.
$packages = ['lsof','unzip','sysstat','telnet', 'git', 'less', 'tree', 'zip']
package {
ensure => installed,
provider => 'brew',
but when i run this it gives an error as below,
Error: Failed to apply catalog: Parameter provider failed on Package[lsof]: Invalid package provider 'brew' at /home/rajeevan/appfactory/modules/wso2base/manifests/packages.pp:9
Wrapped exception:
Invalid package provider 'brew'
Wrapped exception:
Invalid package provider 'brew'
Then we executed the command
brew install unzip
just to ensure the unzip tool is getting installed, but it doesn't.
I have googled it and found a solution
$ brew tap homebrew/dupes
$ brew install unzip
This works nicely, but as far as puppet concerned, How to do this in my puppet manifest?
A quick google search of my own indicated that if you use the boxen-homebrew module, you can write a manifest like this:
homebrew::tap { 'homebrew/dupes': }
package {
ensure => installed,
provider => 'homebrew',
Failing that, you could fall back to the exec
exec { 'brew tap homebrew/dupes': ... }
package {
But it is up to you then to declare fitting queries for the exec
to determine when it needs running, or whether it is in sync already.