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Millenial Media banner Ad display a white entire screen

I am using Millennial Media SDK and writing a Cordova/PhoneGap plugin for mMedia Ad, it works pretty well on iOS and video Ad, but I have some trouble when using banner AD on Android.

If I insert the MMAdView as brother view of Cordova WebView (docking at top or bottom), the banner Ad always display a full screen white space, which covers the WebView.

When I write log to check the size of MMAdView with getWidth() or getMeasuredWidth(), it always return 0 or 1 instead of the actual size!

It's quite similar to this question, the difference is I am using pure java code instead of XML layout file.

AdMob mediated Millenial Media ad taking entire screen on refresh

See the screenshot:

banner unexpected white screen

Here is the code:

                adView = new MMAdView(cordova.getActivity());
                adView.setApid( bannerAdId );

                width = BANNER_AD_WIDTH;
                height = BANNER_AD_HEIGHT;
                //Finds an ad that best fits a users device.
                if(canFit(MED_BANNER_WIDTH)) {
                    width = MED_BANNER_WIDTH;
                    height = MED_BANNER_HEIGHT;
                } else if(canFit(IAB_LEADERBOARD_WIDTH)) {
                    width = IAB_LEADERBOARD_WIDTH;
                    height = IAB_LEADERBOARD_HEIGHT;

                adView.setListener(new BannerListener());

                ViewGroup parentView = (ViewGroup) webView.getParent();
                if(argPos <= TOP_RIGHT) {
                    parentView.addView(adView, 0);
                } else {


  • After study, I find the solution by myself.

    First, create the banner view and set logic adWidth and adHeight:

    //Constants for tablet sized ads (728x90)
    private static final int IAB_LEADERBOARD_WIDTH = 728;
    private static final int IAB_LEADERBOARD_HEIGHT = 90;
    private static final int MED_BANNER_WIDTH = 480;
    private static final int MED_BANNER_HEIGHT = 60;
    //Constants for phone sized ads (320x50)
    private static final int BANNER_AD_WIDTH = 320;
    private static final int BANNER_AD_HEIGHT = 50;
        MMAdView ad = new MMAdView(getActivity());
        ad.setApid( adId );
        ad.setMMRequest(new MMRequest());
        //Finds an ad that best fits a users device.
        if(canFit(MED_BANNER_WIDTH)) {
            adWidth = MED_BANNER_WIDTH;
            adHeight = MED_BANNER_HEIGHT;
        } else if(canFit(IAB_LEADERBOARD_WIDTH)) {
            adWidth = IAB_LEADERBOARD_WIDTH;
            adHeight = IAB_LEADERBOARD_HEIGHT;

    The banner view cannot return proper width and height, it must be calculated from the adWidth and adHeight.

        DisplayMetrics metrics = new DisplayMetrics();
        float screenDensity = metrics.density;
        int adViewWidth = (int) (adWidth * screenDensity);
        int adViewHeight = (int) (adHeight * screenDensity);

    Then, use the calculated adViewWidth and adViewHeight to set position of the banner view.

        adViewLayout = new RelativeLayout(activity);
        RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(
        ViewGroup rootView = (ViewGroup) getView().getRootView();
        rootView.addView(adViewLayout, params);
        Log.d(LOGTAG, String.format("show banner: (%d,%d), (%d x %d)", x,y,bw,bh));
        RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(bw, bh);
        params.leftMargin = x;
        params.topMargin = y;
        adViewLayout.addView(adView, params);

    Now it works, see screenshot.

    enter image description here