I have written the following lexical analyzer. It works correctly for inputs like: c&3&f, (3|6)&c, f^1. However the results I am getting for strtol are not consistent. When I run <3|3 it converts hex 3 to decimal 8 for the first 3 value and then correctly converts it to 3 for the second value. This is my entire program. The problem is in the last function. I added printf's to debug my code. (Pass a text file through stdin < to run. New expression on each line)
Code can also be found at: Github
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
//Max number of characters on new line from file
#define LINE_MAX 1028
char expression[LINE_MAX];
int position;
char next();
char peek();
int E();
int EE(int i);
int A();
int AA(int i);
int B();
int BB(int i);
int C();
int main ( int argc, char *argv[] )
char line[LINE_MAX];
while (fgets(line, LINE_MAX, stdin) != NULL) {
//remove the newline character for printing the expression
size_t strlength = strlen(line);
line[strlength-1] = '\0';
//reset global variables
position = 0;
strcpy(expression, line);
int result = E();
printf("%s = %x\n", line, result);
char next(){
return expression[position++];
char peek(){
return expression[position];
int E(){
int st = A();
return EE(st);
//bitwise "|" OR
int EE(int i){
char token = peek();
if (token == '|'){
int val = A();
return EE(i | val);
return i;
int A(){
int st = B();
return AA(st);
//bitwise "^" XOR
int AA(int i){
char token = peek();
if (token == '^'){
int val = B();
return AA(i ^ val);
return i;
int B(){
int st = C();
return BB(st);
//bitwise "&" AND
int BB(int i){
char token = peek();
if (token == '&'){
int val = C();
return BB(i & val);
return i;
This is the function I am having a problem with. Strtol is giving me
inconsistent integer values.
int C(){
char token = next();
if(token == '<'){
//bitwise shift secondToken <<
printf("BITEWISE LEFT SHIFT: %c\n", token);
return (C() << 1) & 15; //0xf;
}else if(token == '>'){
//bitwise shift secondToken >>
return C() >> 1;
}else if(token == '~'){
//bitwise not secondToken ~
printf("BITEWISE NOT: %c\n", token);
return (~C()) & 15;
}else if(token == '('){
int val = E();
return val;
printf("TOKEN: %c\n", token);
//return the token hex value as int
char temp[1];
temp[0] = token;
printf("TEMP 0: %c\n", temp[0]);
printf("TOKEN int: %d\n", (int)strtol(temp, NULL, 16) & 15);
return (int)(strtol(temp, NULL, 16) & 15); //0xf;
The results of running it for c&3&f and <3|3 are follows:
TEMP 0: c
TOKEN int: 12
TEMP 0: 3
TOKEN int: 3
TEMP 0: f
TOKEN int: 15
c&3&f = 0
TEMP 0: 3
TOKEN int: 8
TEMP 0: 3
TOKEN int: 3
<3|3 = 3
As you can see the first "TOKEN int" value for the second expression should be 3 but it is returning 8. Then it correctly converts the 3 to 3 after that. Does anyone know why this is happening? How does strtol convert to decimal?
char temp[1];
temp[0] = token;
char temp[2];
temp[0] = token;
temp[1] = '\0';
(assuming you're only wanting to handle single-digit numbers).
When you're doing strtol()
in the former case, it's expecting a C-style string and what you're giving is not guaranteed to be null-terminated.
So what's probably happening is that you're memory has something like 38q
in it, strotol(temp,NULL,16)
will turn that into 56
which will, when and-ed with 15
, give you 8