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Using XPath is it possible to get the name of each node in a path to a target node as a String?

Using XPath is it possible to get the name of each node in a path to a target node as a String?





Selects all ancestors where target is true

//node()[target = "true"]/ancestor-or-self::*

Is it possible to get this result




  • How about this XPath 2.0 expression:

    string-join(for $node in //node()[text() = 'true'] return string-join(for $ancestor in $node/ancestor-or-self::* return concat('/',local-name($ancestor)), ''), '&#10;')

    This will return the path strings seperated by newline characters. If you want seperate result nodes for each path you may want to use

    for $node in //node()[text() = 'true'] return string-join(for $ancestor in $node/ancestor-or-self::* return concat('/',local-name($ancestor)), '')


    Note that I had to change target = 'true' into text() = 'true' to include the tags at the lowest level.

    The trick with the concatenation of the partial path strings was inspired by this answer: Concatenate multiple node values in xpath