TL:DR version:
Trying to pull a list out of a dict (Edited out: tuple) based on it's index. i.e. {'a': [1,2], 'b':[3,4]}
... trying to figure out how to return the list associated with a or b respectively.
MyDict = {'a': [1,2], 'b':[3,4]}
Actual version with context:
python3-ldap returns values for attributes of LDAP accounts in a data structure with which I am not familiar. It looks like:
{'department': ['DepartmentName'], 'memberOf': ['CN=example,OU=of,DC=domain,DC=com', 'CN=example,OU=of,DC=domain,DC=com']}
I am trying to pull out the values associated with department and the memberOf separately. I think this is a tuple with an embedded tuple where the second element of the embedded tuple is a list... but I'm not sure so I haven't been able to figure out how to parse the data.
I created a class to eventually drop the users into. Code for indexing:
class Associates:
def __init__(self, index, name, department, membergrp):
self.i = index
self.n = name
self.d = department
self.m = membergrp
Here is the code that does the search:
result =, criteria, SEARCH_SCOPE_WHOLE_SUBTREE, attributes = ['department','memberOf'])
if result:
for r in c.response:
if (r['type'] == 'searchResEntry'):
a.append(Associates(len(a)+1,(r['dn']), r['attributes'],r['attributes']))
...where 'a' is an empty list.
Cannot change the query, must contain r['attributes'] for both selections; however, when the selections are returned in r, they can be parsed as...
print ('Department is:', a[k].d['department'])
print ('Member groups are: ', a[k].m['memberOf'])
Where k is the index of the list.
{'a': [1,2], 'b':[3,4]}
, and the LDAP data structure {'department': ['DepartmentName'], 'memberOf': ['CN=example,OU=of,DC=domain,DC=com', 'CN=example,OU=of,DC=domain,DC=com']}
are key-value dicts. Values are retrieved by key.
d = {'department': ['DepartmentName'],
'memberOf': ['CN=example,OU=of,DC=domain,DC=com',
dept = d['department'] # access by key
mem = d['memberOf']
print("dept = {}\nmem = {}".format(dept, mem))
If you have not, I recommend you read the tutorial and library manual sections on dictionaries.