I have two definitions, for a family tree and a person.
; a family-tree is:
; (make-person list-of-family-tree symbol number symbol)
; a person is:
; (define-struct person [children name date eyes])
I need to make a "mutually recursive" function that counts the number of descendants in a tree (including the person). But I can't figure out how to make cond do more than one thing if a condition is met.
(define (count-descendants person1)
(cond [(empty? (person-children person1)) +0]
[else (count-descendants (first (person-children person1)))/*also +1 here*/
(count-descendants (rest (person-children person1)))/*also +1 here*/]))
Any idea how to recursively call the function on the other parts of the list, AND add one?
What you ask is accomplished with a begin
expression. But you don't need that here. You need to
combine the result of the 2 recursive calls. In your case, you need to add 1 (the current person) to
the result of calling count-descendants
on every child. Another error in your function is that you use
and rest
for the person-children
but your function is not designed to handle a list of persons. when you call it on empty, you will get an error because you can't get person-children
of empty. Finally, in the case a person doesn't have children, I believe it should still be counted, so I return 1 in that case. So adding all this up, you must end up with something like this:
(define (count-descendants person1)
(cond [(empty? (person-children person1)) 1]
[else (+ 1
(foldl + 0 (map count-descendants (person-children person1))))]))
In here, I use map
to count the descendants of all the children of person1, and foldl
to add up the result.