is there a way how to pass settings to elastic4s from property file? The following way works but it is not flexible in munltienvironment:
val settings = ImmutableSettings.settingsBuilder().put("","elasticsearch").build()
val client = ElasticClient.remote(settings, "" -> 9300, "" -> 9300)
I tried java configuration file elasticsearch.yaml as mantioned in java doc but that doesn't work.
Any suggestion here?
You can do this using the same method you would for the Java client. The ImmutableSettings is a Java Client class not something that is specific to elastic4s.
To load your properties file from the classpath, eg if you have something in src/main/resources/com/package/settings.props
Or if you want to load from an input stream:
There are other methods too, just check out the ImmutableSettings.settingsBuilder