Search code examples Identity 2.1 Get all users with roles

How can I get a list of users including the role name per user? My app has the default tables of an MVC Project.

I'm able to retrieve all users using Identity 2.1 like this:


public class GetVendorViewModel
    public IList<ApplicationUser> Vendors { get; set; }


public ActionResult Index()

            var manager = new UserManager<ApplicationUser>(new UserStore<ApplicationUser>(new ApplicationDbContext()));
            var roleStore = new RoleStore<IdentityRole>(ac);
            var roleManager = new RoleManager<IdentityRole>(roleStore);
            var vendor = roleManager.FindByName("Vendor").Users;
            var model = new GetVendorViewModel { Vendors = vendor };
            return View("~/Views/User/Administrator/Vendor/Index.cshtml", model);

Right now is returning this:

      UserId: "4f9ed316-a852-45a9-93a8-a337a37b1c74",
      RoleId: "a17bb59c-285a-43f9-b5ad-65f46f94bb4f"

This is correct but I need to display the user information such as name, email, username etc.

I would like to return a json object like this:

    UserId: "4f9ed316-a852-45a9-93a8-a337a37b1c74",
    RoleId: "a17bb59c-285a-43f9-b5ad-65f46f94bb4f"
    RoleName: "Administrator"
    User: {
            name:"Joe Doe",

RoleName is in the table AspNetRoles.

UserId and RoleId its being query from AspNetUserRoles.

Any clues?


  • The UserManager stuff in Identity tends to confuse people. Ultimately, users are still just a DbSet on your context, so you can use your context like querying for any other object:

    var role = db.Roles.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Name == "role");
    var usersInRole = db.Users.Where(m => m.Roles.Any(r => r.RoleId == role.Id));

    EDIT Forgot that IdentityUser.Roles references IdentityUserRole instead of IdentityRole directly. So you need to get the role first, and then use the role's id to query into your users.