I am looking for a detailed change history (including bugfixes) of all .NET framework versions, especially the changes between 2.0 and 3.5 SP1.
I know that something like that exists for v2.0 and v1.1, and for v4.0. However, I could not find a history for v3.0 and v3.5/SP1.
Background: (slightly edited) We are having issues somewhere between deserialization of some XML data (using XmlReader) and the display of the data in the UI. These problems appear when we use .NET 3.5 SP1, but we did not have them in v2.0. Now, I would like to know if this is related to some change/bugfix in the framework, or if this is related to some other difference. Unfortunately, we do not have the source code of that piece of software, and most of the software is written using native C++/MFC, except for the deserialization part which is .NET.
I did some invfestigaion on my Dev box, here's what I found:
I have the following .NET Frameworks installed
is located in System.XML.dll
System.XML.dll is only found in two places:
I verified this by loading the 3.5 Framework into .NET Reflector and searching for XMLReader
, it was referencing the 2.0 System.XML.dll.
This leads me to believe that this hasn't changed between v2.0 and v3.5 SP1.