I use Zeoslib components to interact with my SQLite database file. I have several SQLite database files in a folder. So, I want to be able to open any one of them using Zeoslib component. However, it won't let me. It opens the first database successfully but any database file I open after that, I get access violation error. For the life of me, I simply can't figure it out WHY.
Here is how I open database file.
procedure TMainFrm.Open1Click(Sender: TObject);
var currdb:string;
OpenDlg.InitialDir := BaseDir;
if OpenDlg.Execute = true then
currdb := Extractfilename(OpenDlg.FileName);
DataModule1.ZConnection1.Protocol := 'SQLite-3';
DataModule1.ZConnection1.Database :=baseDir + currdb;
DataModule1.Query1.SQL.Add('SELECT * FROM MyTable'); // <<<<--- ZConnection1 is Query1 database connection.
DataModule1.ZConnection1.Connect; // <<<<<-------Here is where I get ACCESS VIOLATION all the time.
UpdateGrid; // <<<<<<<----- Here is where the Query is executed and the DBGrid is updated.
I don't know why this is. Is this mean I can't switch database from another using Zeoslib component?
The problem is in the TZConnection.Protocol
value capitalization. Change the Protocol
value from SQLite-3
to sqlite-3