I have a rather large android project. The project still compiles, but when I try to compile tests I get an error:
Execution failed for task ':app:dexDebugTest'.
trouble writing output: Too many method references: 70561; max is 65536.
You may try using --multi-dex option.
Ok, I found the multiDexEnabled property and added
multiDexEnabled true
in the
Also I made my application extend
But it did not change anything, I still get
Execution failed for task ':logic:dexDebugTest'.
trouble writing output: Too many method references: 70561; max is 65536.
You may try using --multi-dex option.
And it even explicitly shows me the dx comand without --multi-dex parameter
sdk/build-tools/21.1.1/dx --dex --output /build/intermediates/dex/test/debug --input-list=build/intermediates/tmp/dex/test/debug/libraryList.txt
try adding this to your build.gradle
afterEvaluate {
tasks.matching {
}.each { dx ->
if (dx.additionalParameters == null) {
dx.additionalParameters = ['--multi-dex']
} else {
dx.additionalParameters += '--multi-dex'