I am writing an application which is part Angular and part jQuery. I am separating them by loading the jQuery content in an iFrame.
Upon a certain event (say, upon a ng-click), I need to refresh the iFrame. My Controller contains the following code:
$scope.refreshIframe = function() { //refresh the iFrame with id "anIframe" };
and the iFrame is:
<iframe id="anIframe" src="myUrl"></iframe>
As Paulo Scardine said, the right way to do it would be through a directive cause you shouldn't use controllers to manipulate DOM.
Something like this one could do :
.directive('refreshable', [function () {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: {
refresh: "=refreshable"
link: function (scope, element, attr) {
var refreshMe = function () {
element.attr('src', element.attr('src'));
scope.$watch('refresh', function (newVal, oldVal) {
if (scope.refresh) {
scope.refresh = false;
Which could then be used like :
<iframe refreshable="tab.refresh"></iframe>
And :
$scope.refreshIframe = function(){
$scope.tab.refresh = true;