How do I use parameters in DustJS? I made a jsfiddle where I want to print key value pairs where the key = [parameter].
In the fiddle I just want to display Larry, Moe and Curly's weight (not their height).
In XSLT this is easy. Just use Xpath to find prop[@name="weight"] then the following-sibling axis.
<script id="entry-template">
<div id="output"></div>
$(document).ready(function () {
var data = {
"title": "Famous People",
"names" : [{ "name": "Larry", "props":[{"name":"height","value":"5.8"},{"name":"weight","value":"160"}] },{ "name": "Curly", "props":[{"name":"height","value":"5.9"},{"name":"weight","value":"200"}]},{ "name": "Moe", "props":[{"name":"height","value":"5.8"},{"name":"weight","value":"160"}]}]
var source = $("#entry-template").html();
var compiled = dust.compile(source, "intro");
dust.render("intro", data, function(err, out) {
Here is one solution, using the {@eq}
helper to only output the value if the name
key is equal to "weight".
<ul><li>Weight: {#props}{@eq key=name value="weight"}{value}{/eq}{/props}</li></ul>
Context helpers such as {@eq}
are functions that augment the core syntax of Dust. For more information about this helper and other officially-supported helpers, check out the dustjs-helpers wiki page.