it seems very difficult to get a proper source of information about Squeak. I have a few basic questions about it:
does '=' check for equality by refrence?
does '==' check for equality of values?
collection - linked list - if I do something like:
list := LinkedList new.
element := list first.
does it mean that element and 'list first' are both references to the same place in memory (the first place in thr linked list?)
By default ==
is equality by reference. In Object =
is defined as
= anObject
^ self == anObject
But other classes usually override it. For example in Character =
is defined as
= aCharacter
^ self == aCharacter or:[
aCharacter isCharacter and: [
self asciiValue = aCharacter asciiValue]]
You can get all implementors of =
by executing #= implementors
In your case element
and list first
are referencing the same object. This is because first
is implemented as
^ self at: 1
And at
returns the element on position 1. But if first
would be implemented as
^ (self at: 1) copy
then it would return a copy of an element (or if you use element := list first copy
) and then they will return false
when compared with ==
, but if =
is implemented in a smart way it should return true
in most cases.
Also be sure that you want to use LinkedList because in pharo which is a fork of squeak it is used mostly for process scheduling and I think that there was a discussion that LinkedList is more of a utility collection. The most used collection with random access features is OrderedCollection