I want to monitor my app with upstart. I'm exporting using
rvmsudo foreman export upstart /etc/init -a <my_app_name> -u ubuntu -l /var/<my_app_name>/log
It finishes successfully, but when i do
sudo start <my_app_name>
I get the following output and nothing happens
<my_app_name> start/running
my procfile
web: rvmsudo passenger start -p80 -e production
worker: rvmsudo bundle exec rake jobs:work RAILS_ENV=production
Its really frustrating because i can run the web and worker commands on different terminals individually. So I tried to just do a foreman start
and this fails with the following error
*** ERROR ***
Please install daemon_controller first:
/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p594/wrappers/gem install daemon_controller
The frustrating bit is that daemon controller is installed and i can see it when i do gem list
Maybe my whole approach to this is wrong can someone please point me in the right direction?
Here's the line in passenger that returns that error, so it looks as though it really can't find daemon_controller
as it's rescuing a LoadError
. Try updating your web
process to run via bundle exec
web: rvmsudo bundle exec passenger start -p80 -e production