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Trying to learn boost::intrusive Q2

if I uncomment these

//BaseList   baselist; 
//MemberList memberlist;

outside the loop and comment out the ones inside the loop it crashes. I need to be able to have the baselist (and memberlist) outside any loop. How is this achieved?


The actual problem I am trying to solve in it's simplest form is this.

I want to have a std::vector of MyClass, call it AllThingsBunchedTogether. I also want to have a std::vector of BaseList, call it AllThingsSpreadOut.


  • AllThingsBunchedTogether might contain (just the anInt1 part for the sake of compactness): 1,2,1,10,2,3,4,4,5,9,10,10.
  • AllThingsSpreadOut might contain (zero not used for now) at [1] 1,1 at [2] 2,2 at [3] 3 at [4] 4,4 at [5] 5 at [9] 9 at [10] 10,10,10.

Note that the numbers themselves aren't be stored in the BaseList, but e.g., the MyClass(1, "John").

At [1] it could be "Mike", "John", at [2] it could be "Mike", "Dagobart" at [3] "John" ... at [10] "John" "Mike" "Dagobart" etc so that there no duplicates in any of the BaseList at AllThingsSpreadOut[i] since each MyClass in each BaseList hashes to a different value (anInt1 + Name).

In essence, anInt1 tells where the MyClass lives in AllThingsSpreadOut, but anInt1 + name guarantees uniqueness within each BaseList.

So the idea is that AllThingsSpreadOut is a vector of BaseList where at each BaseList at vector location is a list of similar things.

Then, when I remove things from AllThingsBunchedTogether (not by a clear, but by a search to remove some items like in the code below IsMarkedToDelete), they will automatically disappear from the corresponding AllThingsSpreadOut.

AllThingsSpreadOut acts as a sort for AllThingsBunchedTogether, with intrusive semantics. AllThingsBunchedTogether allows superfast access through [].

End Edit

#include <vector>
#include <iostream>

#include <boost/intrusive/list.hpp>

using namespace boost::intrusive;

class MyClass : public list_base_hook<link_mode<auto_unlink>> // This is a derivation hook
    std::string name;
    bool bIsMarkedToDelete;
    int anInt1;
    list_member_hook<link_mode<auto_unlink>> member_hook_; // This is a member hook

    MyClass(std::string n, int i) : name(n), anInt1(i), bIsMarkedToDelete(false) {}

bool IsMarkedToDelete(const MyClass &o)
    return o.bIsMarkedToDelete;

//Define a list that will store MyClass using the public base hook
typedef list<MyClass, constant_time_size<false>> BaseList;

// Define a list that will store MyClass using the public member hook
typedef list<MyClass,
        member_hook<MyClass, list_member_hook<link_mode<auto_unlink>>, &MyClass::member_hook_>,
        constant_time_size<false> > MemberList;

int main()
    bool done = false;
    std::vector<MyClass> values;

    std::string names[] = {"John", "Mike", "Dagobart"};

    //BaseList   baselist; 
    //MemberList memberlist;

    int i = 0;
        // Create several MyClass objects, each one with a different value

        for (int j = 0; j < 11; ++j)
            values.emplace_back(names[j % 3], j);

        BaseList   baselist;
        MemberList memberlist;

        // Now insert them in t-he reverse order in the base hook list
        for (auto& e : values)

        // Now test lists
        auto rbit(baselist.rbegin());
        auto mit(memberlist.begin());
        auto it(values.begin()), itend(values.end());

        // Test the objects inserted in the base hook list
        for (; it != itend; ++it, ++rbit)
            if (&*rbit != &*it)
                return 1;
        // Test the objects inserted in the member hook list
        for (it = values.begin(); it != itend; ++it, ++mit)
            if (&*mit != &*it)
                return 1;
# if 0
        for(auto& e : values)
            std::cout << e.anInt1 << "\n";

        for(auto& e : baselist)
            std::cout << e.anInt1 << "\n";

        for(auto& e : memberlist)
            std::cout << e.anInt1 << "\n";

#endif // 0

        if(2 == i)
            for(auto& e: values)
                std::cout << << "\n";

            for(auto& e: values)
                if("Mike" ==
                    e.bIsMarkedToDelete = true;

                std::remove_if(values.begin(), values.end(), IsMarkedToDelete), values.end());

        if(i++ > 3)
            done = true;

        std::cout << "\n";
        std::cout << values.size()     << "\n";
        std::cout << baselist.size()   << "\n";
        std::cout << memberlist.size() << "\n";


  • I've seen it late, but anyways, here goes:

    1. What you describe matches exactly the implementation of an intrusive hash table of MyClass elements, where

      • anInt1 is the hash (the bucket identifier) for an element
      • the bucket lists are implemented as linked lists
      • equality is defined as equality of (anInt1, Name)

        enter image description here

      So really, your program could just be:

      Live On Coliru

      std::unordered_set<MyClass> values {
          { "John",      0 }, { "Mike",      1 }, { "Dagobart",  2 },
          { "John",      3 }, { "Mike",      4 }, { "Dagobart",  5 },
          { "John",      6 }, { "Mike",      7 }, { "Dagobart",  8 },
          { "John",      9 }, { "Mike",     10 },
      for(int i = 0; i<=3; ++i) {
          if(2 == i) {
              for(auto& e: values) std::cout << << " "; std::cout << "\n";
              for(auto& e: values) e.bIsMarkedToDelete |= ("Mike" ==;
              for(auto it=begin(values); it!=end(values);) {
                  if (it->bIsMarkedToDelete) it = values.erase(it);
                  else ++it;
          std::cout << "i=" << i << ", values.size(): " << values.size() << "\n";
      std::cout << "Done\n";
    2. if you really wanted contiguous storage, I can only assume you wanted this for performance

      • you do not want to use pointers instead of objects, since that simply negates the memory layout ("AllThingsBunchedTogether") benefits and you'd be better of with the unordered_set or unodered_map as above

      • you do not want to use auto_unlink mode, since it cripples performance (by doing uncontrolled deletion triggers, by inhibiting constant-time size() and by creating thread safety issues)

      • instead, you should employ the above stratagy, but with boost::intrusive::unordered_set instead see

        Here, again, is a proof-of-concept:

        Live On Coliru

        #include <vector>
        #include <iostream>
        #include <boost/intrusive/unordered_set.hpp>
        #include <vector>
        //#include <functional>
        //#include <algorithm>
        namespace bic = boost::intrusive;
        struct MyClass : bic::unordered_set_base_hook<bic::link_mode<bic::auto_unlink>>
            std::string name;
            int anInt1;
            mutable bool bIsMarkedToDelete;
            MyClass(std::string name, int i) : name(name), anInt1(i), bIsMarkedToDelete(false) {}
            bool operator==(MyClass const& o) const { return anInt1 == o.anInt1 && name ==; }
            struct hasher { size_t operator()(MyClass const& o) const { return o.anInt1; } };
        typedef bic::unordered_set<MyClass, bic::hash<MyClass::hasher>, bic::constant_time_size<false> > HashTable;
        int main() {
            std::vector<MyClass> values {
                MyClass { "John", 0 }, MyClass { "Mike",  1 }, MyClass { "Dagobart", 2 },
                MyClass { "John", 3 }, MyClass { "Mike",  4 }, MyClass { "Dagobart", 5 },
                MyClass { "John", 6 }, MyClass { "Mike",  7 }, MyClass { "Dagobart", 8 },
                MyClass { "John", 9 }, MyClass { "Mike", 10 },
            HashTable::bucket_type buckets[100];
            HashTable hashtable(values.begin(), values.end(), HashTable::bucket_traits(buckets, 100)); 
            for(int i = 0; i<=3; ++i) {
                if(2 == i) {
                    for(auto& e: values) std::cout << << " "; std::cout << "\n";
                    for(auto& e: values) e.bIsMarkedToDelete |= ("Mike" ==;
                    values.erase(std::remove_if(begin(values), end(values), std::mem_fn(&MyClass::bIsMarkedToDelete)));
                std::cout << "i=" << i << ", values.size():    " << values.size()    << "\n";
                std::cout << "i=" << i << ", hashtable.size(): " << hashtable.size() << "\n";
            std::cout << "Done\n";