I am trying to find the best way to display tabular data using AngularJS based on three RESTful data endpoints. For example, the data is comprised of three models:
roommate (fk)
chore (fk)
I want to display the Chore Assignments in a table with day on the x-axis and roommates on the y-axis.
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Bob dishes mow grass dishes
Alice trash dishes sweep
Mike dishes vacuum
I can easily display the data in separate lists with ng-repeat but I am unsure about combining them in the table. I am trying to avoid a custom API call for this table specifically if I can simply build it from the three separate lists of data I already have. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
I opted to build a $scope.choreTable
object in the controller (utilizing Underscore.js). $q.all()
is used to ensure the data promises are all resolved before building the table.
$q.all([roommateQuery, choreQuery, choreAssignmentQuery]).then(function(){
$scope.choreTable = [];
var days = ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun'];
_.each($scope.roommates, function(roommate, i){
$scope.choreTable.push({roommate: roommate, days: []});
_.each(days, function(day, j){
_.where($scope.choreAssignments, {roommate: roommate.id, day: day})
resulting in an object like so:
roommate: {id: 1, name: "Bob"},
days: [[ChoreAssignment1], [], [], [ChoreAssignment2], [], [], [ChoreAssignment1]]
roommate: {id: 2, name: "Alice"},
days: [[], [ChoreAssignment3], [ChoreAssignment1], [], [], [ChoreAssignment4], []]
roommate: {id: 3, name: "Mike"},
days: [[], [], [], [], [ChoreAssignment1], [ChoreAssignment5], []]
and then in the view:
<tr ng-repeat="row in choreTable">
[[ row.roommate.name ]]
<td ng-repeat="day in row.days">
<div ng-repeat="choreAssignment in day">
[[ choreAssignment.chore.name ]]