I have a couple of continuous web jobs which are currently stopping. I know the reason for this: I haven't got "Always On" turned on in my web site settings and the sites eventually unload.
The problem is that I also use New Relic for site monitoring, and their agent that collects data stops working when "Always On" is switched on.
So a catch-22: have the webjobs work but no performance and error monitoring, or lose the webjobs and have the monitoring.
Trying to keep HTTP traffic going to my site by loading a URL doesn't seem to stop the webjob unloading.
Does anybody know how I could get the best of both worlds?
This ended up being simpler than I thought once I stopped thinking about how I could get both things to work on the one web site when there's actually no need!
In the end it was far easier just to create a new, empty web site to house the webjobs. These could be kept "Always On" without affecting the main web site.