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NSScrollView how to start from top left corner

How to set scrollView document view to be pinned to top left corner? If scrollView is big enough/bigger than its content, everything is drawn from bottom to up and it not looks right. I have to override isFlipped of scrollView?

I was searching internet and overriding isFlipped to return trueis not everything. I don't want to make my documentView flipped because then I have to make changes in that class to make everything looks like I want.


  • I created simple NSView class as an container for elements that i want to have inside my scrollView and everything looks perfect. I hope this will help someone!

    @interface FlippedView : NSView

    and implementation:

    @implementation FlippedView
    - (void)drawRect:(NSRect)dirtyRect {
        [super drawRect:dirtyRect];
        // Drawing code here.
    - (BOOL) isFlipped
        return YES;