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How to access fingerprint and fingerprint algorithm for DTLS handshake

I am working on a WebRTC gateway project and I have a need to access a browsers fingerprint and its algorithm from Javascript. I would like to access this information to send it via a WebSocket signaling channel. I expected to get the fingerprint and hash algo via the browsers answer SDP, but on chrome its missing.

I have searched for an answer and have had no luck.

Here is a screen shot showing the information I want to access (via webrtc-internals): fingerprint

I'm looking for a cross-browser solution, but if it works in Chrome only for now that would be just fine. The parameters I want are shown in the image as "googFingerprint" and "googFingerprintAlgorithm".

Update: screen shot of the offer sdp offer with sha-1

Update: screen shot of the answer sdp answer

Update: latest offer + answer sdp offer with sha-256


  • There is no known way to access the fingerprint via javascript in the browser. There is a known chrome issue directly related to this question (that I submitted).