I defined some aliases in /etc/bash.bashrc
When I login using herbert
, I can use these aliases.
But after I su root
, these aliases can't be used anymore.
This is very strange because configs
in /etc/bash.bashrc
should be global and can be used by all users.
Everything worked fine before but went strange these days. What I can remember is that I upgraded my Bash, from 4.2.25 to 4.3.30, but I am not sure whether this version change is the reason.
Is this due to Bash versions?
When you do su root
(or just su
), the user ID is changed to that of the superuser but the default environment isn't loaded. Instead, try su -
Paraphrasing the manual (man su
), the option -
, -l
or --login
provides a similar environment to what you would get if you logged in directly as that user. This means that things such as profiles will be loaded.